Last night at approximately 1 a.m. I was awoken by Kiri as she made a quick burst to the loo. I was kind of anxious because of the intensity of it all and the time she took to come out. A thought came to mind 'I think her labour has begun!'
After 10 minutes she returned to bed and exclaimed "I think my waters broke." She then proceeded to show me a wet patch on the bed from where she was laying.
Wow, this is really happening, I thought. Kiri on the other hand was a little worried. So we turned on our trusty friend the 'Lappy' and googled it. It confirmed our suspicions because of the bleachy aroma of the liquid. It also advised us to wait another half hour to see if more amniotic fluid would leak.
Sure enough it did and then half an hour later a bloody discharge or 'the show' came. I think Kiri was freaking out by about this time which didnt help because I told her to get some rest and went back to sleep. She called up her Mum and they came around and comforted her to say that what had happened was perfectly normal and to wait for contractions to begin.
By the morning Kiris mind was still not at ease so I gave our midwife a call. She confirmed her mothers advice and for us to just go about our normal routine, eat, drink, walk around and then contact her when the contractions lasted a whole minute and were 5 minutes apart.......
Its 10.39 a.m. now and the girls (Kiri, Bronwyn, Tegan, Te Wai and Mata) are watching Home and Away omnibus. Bloody All Blacks lost lastnight 15-20 to Ozzie and the Americas cup is slipping away 2-4 to Alinghi.