Tuesday the 21st of August. This was to be a special day. One, becasue it was to be the first coronation of Kingi Tuheitia and two, baby was off for his check-ups.
Last week Raniera was visited for the first time by the Plunket nurse. The first question she asked was if Kiri had had a caesarian to which she answered "No". The reason she asked was because she believed baby has a perfect shaped head, which was to our suprise because we think his head looks peculiar. She then weighed him, measured his full body length and circumference of his head. So also showed Kiri how to use the growth charts inside her Well Child book. Raniera is supposedly a little tall for his weight but still within the healthy range.
Later on that day Kiri went in to the doctors to have Raniera's immunisation jabs against diptheria, polio, hepatitis B and meningitis. He had two jabs in his right leg and one in the other. Although he cried a little, he did live up to his name cause he was very courageous and brave.
We also went out to dinner at Valentines the previous Thursday. It was for no special occasion. Just because we were so happy to be with our handsome son and happy family.