Wednesday, August 15, 2007

6 weeks old

Raniera has grown quite a bit over the last 2 weeks. I'm not too sure how heavy he is but I estimate him to be around 12-13 pounds now. He regularly smiles and likes to play and talk and being sung to by his mother during the day. He doesn't have a regular sleeping pattern during the day anymore. He can stay up for up to 3 hours before having a 1-2 hour sleep. Luckily for us though he still has his night time routine. Up at 11pm, 2am, and 5am usually and only awake for half an hour.

The rule Kiri and I have is that I look after him from 9pm - 12pm before I go to sleep for the night. She goes to sleep during this time. It works out pretty well, with both of us getting enough sleep for the night.

Raniera had a little cold the other week, a blocked nose and a little weezy. Kiri bought a little device to unblock his nose which worked well but I advised her to use the method our old people applied - to suck it out!, to which she replied 'NO'.

Our son also has had a rash for the last two weeks on his face. Ive looked on the net and it says it is quite normal for babies to get these, especially if it is a allergic reaction to soap powder that his clothes have been washed in. If it continues I think we will take him to see the doctor of which we will in time to receive his immunisations.

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