Thursday, July 5, 2007

He has a name

Raniera-Te Mārohirohi Hautapu-Fonotoe

A couple of months before baby was born a vision popped into my mind of a Lion. Yes the King of the Wild, Mufasa lions. So I began to think of names that portrayed the traits of a lion. I started with the maori version of the word - Raiona - Kiri didnt like it. Eventually I asked a friend for a maori word that encapsulated those characteristics of courage, bravery, and strength. He suggested Te Mārohirohi. We thought that was cool but Kiri preferred it as a second name. Well I then suggested my own second name Raniera. She then said well that makes sense because Raniera means Daniel in english - the prophet that survived in the Lions den in the bible. And that was it - I was happy but she wasn't finished yet. She said he could be named after me if he had her last name too, so I agreed.

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